metamodel version: 1.7.0
version: None
- AggregateGenerationProtocol
- AnalysisFile
- AnalysisProcess
- AnalysisProtocol
- Barcode
- BiologicalMacromoleculeOntology
- BiomaterialCore
- CellCycleOntology
- CellLine
- CellMorphology
- CellSuspension
- CellTypeOntology
- CellularComponentOntology
- Channel
- CollectionProtocol
- Contact
- ContributorRoleOntology
- Death
- DevelopmentStageOntology
- DifferentiationProtocol
- DiseaseOntology
- DissociationProtocol
- DonorOrganism
- EnrichmentOntology
- EnrichmentProtocol
- Entity
- EthnicityOntology
- FamilialRelationship
- FileContentOntology
- FileCore
- FileDescriptor
- FileFormatOntology
- Funder
- GrowthConditions
- HumanSpecific
- ImageFile
- ImagedSpecimen
- ImagingPreparationProtocol
- ImagingProtocol
- Input - An input to a process
- InsdcExperiment
- InstrumentOntology
- IpscInductionProtocol
- LengthUnitOntology
- LibraryAmplificationOntology
- LibraryConstructionOntology
- LibraryPreparationProtocol
- License
- Links
- MassUnitOntology
- Matrix
- MedicalHistory
- MicroscopyOntology
- MouseSpecific
- OrganOntology
- OrganPartOntology
- Organoid
- Output - An output from a process
- Parameter
- PlateBasedSequencing
- PreservationStorage
- Probe
- Process
- ProcessCore
- ProcessLink
- ProcessTypeOntology
- Project
- ProjectCore
- Protocol
- ProtocolCore
- ProtocolReference - A protocol used in a process
- ProtocolTypeOntology
- Provenance
- Publication
- PurchasedReagents
- ReferenceFile
- S10x
- SequenceFile
- SequencingOntology
- SequencingProtocol
- SpeciesOntology
- SpecimenFromOrganism
- StateOfSpecimen
- StrainOntology
- SupplementaryFile
- SupplementaryFileEntity
- SupplementaryFileLink
- TargetPathwayOntology
- Task
- TimeUnitOntology
- Timecourse
- TreatmentMethodOntology
- TreatmentProtocol
- ➞cell_uniformity - Description of the cell aggregates uniformity after formation.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞formation_method - Method used to form cell aggregates.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞file_core - Core file-level information.
- ➞matrix_cell_count - Number of cells analyzed in a matrix file.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞analysis_run_type - Whether the analysis was run or was copied forward as an optimization.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞inputs
- ➞process_core - Core process-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞reference_files
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞tasks
- ➞timestamp_start_utc - Initial start time of the full pipeline in UTC.
- ➞timestamp_stop_utc - Terminal stop time of the full pipeline in UTC.
- ➞type - The type of process.
- ➞computational_method - A URI to a versioned workflow and versioned execution environment in a GA4GH-compliant repository.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞matrix - Information related to protocols that output a matrix.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞type - The type of protocol.
- ➞barcode_length - Length of barcode in nucleotides.
- ➞barcode_offset - The 0-based offset of start of barcode in read.
- ➞barcode_read - The read in which the barcode is found.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞white_list_file - Name of file containing legitimate barcode sequences.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of the biological macromolecule being used.
- ➞HDBR_accession - A Human Developmental Biology Resource (HDBR) sample accession.
- ➞biomaterial_description - A general description of the biomaterial.
- ➞biomaterial_id - A unique ID for the biomaterial.
- ➞biomaterial_name - A short, descriptive name for the biomaterial that need not be unique.
- ➞biosamples_accession - A BioSamples accession.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞genotype - Genotype of the biomaterial.
- ➞insdc_sample_accession - An International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) sample accession.
- ➞ncbi_taxon_id
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞supplementary_files
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a cell cycle of the cells in the specimen.
- ➞biomaterial_core - Core biomaterial-level information.
- ➞catalog_number - The supplier catalogue number for the cell line.
- ➞catalog_url - The supplier catalogue URL for the cell line.
- ➞cell_cycle - The cell cycle phase if the cell line is synchronized growing cells or the phase is known.
- ➞cell_morphology - Features relating to the morphology of the cells.
- ➞cell_type - The cell type that the cell line represents.
- ➞confluency - The percent a plate surface is covered by cells.
- ➞date_established - Date when the cell line was established.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞disease - Short description of any disease association to the cell type.
- ➞genus_species
- ➞growth_conditions - Features relating to the growth and/or maintenance of the cell lines.
- ➞karyotype - The karyotype of the cell line.
- ➞lot_number - The supplier lot or batch number for the cell line.
- ➞model_organ - Organ for which this cell line is a model.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞publication - A publication that cites the cell line creation.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞supplier - The supplier of the cell line.
- ➞timecourse - Information relating to a timecourse associated with this cell line.
- ➞tissue - The tissue that the cell line was derived from.
- ➞type - The type of cell line.
- ➞cell_morphology - General description of the morphology of cells.
- ➞cell_size - Size of cells in Cell size unit.
- ➞cell_size_unit - The unit in which the Cell size is expressed.
- ➞cell_viability_method - The method by which cell viability was determined.
- ➞cell_viability_result - Result of the cell viability test.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞percent_cell_viability - Percent of cells determined to be viable.
- ➞percent_necrosis - Percent of cells identified to be necrotic.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞biomaterial_core - Core biomaterial-level information.
- ➞cell_morphology - Features relating to the morphology of cells in a biomaterial.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞estimated_cell_count - Estimated number of cells in the suspension.
- ➞genus_species
- ➞growth_conditions - Features relating to the growth and/or maintenance of a biomaterial.
- ➞plate_based_sequencing - Fields specific for plate-based sequencing experiments.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞selected_cell_types
- ➞timecourse - Information relating to a timecourse associated with this cell suspension.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a cell type supplied by a user.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a subcellular structure.
- ➞channel_id - User given ID. If there is an accompanying codebook, this name should correspond to the channel id used in the codebook.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞excitation_wavelength - Excitation wavelength of the lightsource in nanometers.
- ➞exposure_time - Acquisition time for a single image per channel, in milliseconds.
- ➞filter_range - Emission filter in nanometers.
- ➞multiplexed - Whether multiple targets were detected simultaneously in this channel.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞target_fluorophore - The name of the fluorophore this channel is designed to assay.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞method - Method used to collect the biomaterial.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞reagents
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞address - Street address where the individual works.
- ➞corresponding_contributor - Whether the individual is a primary point of contact for the project.
- ➞country - Country where the individual works.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞email - Email address for the individual.
- ➞institution - Name of primary institute where the individual works.
- ➞laboratory - Name of lab or department within the institute where the individual works.
- ➞orcid_id - The individual's ORCID ID linked to previous work.
- ➞phone - Phone number of the individual or their lab.
- ➞project_role - Primary role of the individual in the project.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The primary role of the contributor in the project.
- ➞cause_of_death - Conditions resulting in death.
- ➞cold_perfused - Whether perfusion with cold fluid was used to help preserve tissues before heart stopped.
- ➞days_on_ventilator - Number of days on ventilator before death occurred.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞hardy_scale - Value on 4-point Hardy scale cause of death classification.
- ➞normothermic_regional_perfusion - Whether entire body was perfused with warm oxygenated blood.
- ➞organ_donation_death_type - Type of death preceding organ donation.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞time_of_death - Date and time when death was declared.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of the development stage of the organism.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞media - Culture media used to induce a specific differentiation response.
- ➞method - Method applied to cell culture to induce a specific differentiation response.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞reagents
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞small_molecules - Small molecules added to stem cell medium to induce a specific differentiation response.
- ➞target_cell_yield - Percent of target cells obtained after directed differentiation of origin cell.
- ➞target_pathway - Targeted pathway for specific differentiation response.
- ➞validation_method - Method used to validate origin cell successfully differentiated to target cell.
- ➞validation_result - Result confirming successful differentiation to target cell type.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The text for the term as the user provides it.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞method - How cells or organelles were dissociated.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞reagents
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞biomaterial_core - Core biomaterial-level information.
- ➞death - Information about conditions of death of the organism.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞development_stage - A classification of the developmental stage of the organism.
- ➞diseases
- ➞familial_relationships
- ➞genus_species
- ➞gestational_age - Gestational age of pregnancy in Gestational age units measured from the last menstrual period.
- ➞gestational_age_unit - The unit in which Gestational age is expressed.
- ➞height - Height of organism in Height unit.
- ➞height_unit - The unit in which Height is expressed.
- ➞human_specific - Fields specific to human (homo sapiens) organisms.
- ➞is_living - Whether organism was alive at time of biomaterial collection.
- ➞medical_history - Information about the medical history of the organism.
- ➞mouse_specific - Fields specific to mouse (mus musculus) organisms.
- ➞organism_age - Age of organism in Age units measured since birth.
- ➞organism_age_unit - The unit in which Age is expressed.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞sex - The biological sex of the organism.
- ➞timecourse - Information relating to a timecourse associated with this biomaterial.
- ➞weight - Weight of organism in Weight unit.
- ➞weight_unit - The unit in which Weight is expressed.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of an enrichment approach being used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞markers - A list of markers used to enrich for or against certain cells.
- ➞maximum_size - Maximum cell or organelle size passing selection, in microns.
- ➞method - The method by which enrichment was achieved.
- ➞minimum_size - Minimum cell or organelle size passing selection, in microns.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞entity_id - ID of this entity
- ➞entity_type - The concrete type of this entity
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The ethnicity of the human donor.
- ➞child - The individual's child.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞parent - The individual's parent.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞sibling - The individual's sibling.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - General description of the contents of the file.
- ➞checksum - MD5 checksum of the file.
- ➞content_description
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞file_name - The name of the file.
- ➞file_source - The source of the file. This is typically an organisation, repository, person or dedicated process.
- ➞format - The format of the file.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞content_type - An appropriate MIME type for this file.
- ➞crc32c - The CRC-32C code generated for this file.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞file_id - UUID that uniquely identifies each data file in its source
- ➞file_name - The object name of the data file relative to the staging area's
directory - ➞file_version - The version of the file given in date time format
- ➞s3_etag - An AWS S3 ETag of this file
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞sha1 - The SHA-1 hash of the file.
- ➞sha256 - The SHA-256 hash of the file.
- ➞size - The size of the file in bytes.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of the file format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞grant_id - The unique grant identifier or reference.
- ➞grant_title - The name of the grant funding the project.
- ➞organization - The name of the funding organization.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞culture_environment - Cell culture environment in which cells are grown.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞drug_treatment - Description of drugs added to the growth medium.
- ➞feeder_layer_type - Type of feeder layer cells on which biomaterial was grown.
- ➞growth_medium - The solid, liquid, or semi-solid medium used to support growth.
- ➞mycoplasma_testing_method - The method by which the biomaterial was tested for mycoplasma contamination.
- ➞mycoplasma_testing_results - Whether the biomaterial passed or failed the mycoplasma test.
- ➞passage_number - The number of passages that the biomaterial has been through.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞body_mass_index - The body mass index of the donor.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ethnicity
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞file_core - Core file-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞biomaterial_core - Core biomaterial-level information.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞internal_anatomical_structures
- ➞overview_images
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞slice_thickness - Thickness of the imaged slice in micrometres.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞expansion_factor - Factor by which the imaged tissue was expanded in one dimension.
- ➞fiducial_marker - Fiducial markers for the alignment of images taken across multiple rounds of imaging.
- ➞final_slicing_method - The method by which the final slice was obtained.
- ➞fresh_slicing_method - The method by which fresh tissue was sliced.
- ➞imaged_slice_thickness - Thickness of the imaged slice in micrometres.
- ➞permeabilisation_time - The permeabilisation time in time units that the tissue was exposed to.
- ➞permeabilisation_time_unit - The unit in which permeabilisation time is expressed.
- ➞post_final_slicing_interval - Length of time between secondary slicing and hybridization.
- ➞post_final_slicing_interval_unit - The unit of time in which the post final slicing interval is expressed.
- ➞post_resection_interval - Length of time between surgical resection and fresh slicing of tissue.
- ➞post_resection_interval_unit - The unit of time in which the post resection interval is expressed.
- ➞pre_final_slice_preservation_method - Tissue preservation method used prior to final slicing.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞channel
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞immersion_medium_refractive_index - Refractive index of the immersion medium used for imaging.
- ➞immersion_medium_type - Immersion medium used for imaging.
- ➞magnification - Magnification of the objective used for imaging.
- ➞microscope_setup_description - Description of the microscope setup.
- ➞microscopy_technique - The type of microscopy.
- ➞number_of_tiles - Number of XY tiles in the experiment.
- ➞number_of_z_steps - Number of steps in a Z stack.
- ➞numerical_aperture - Numerical aperture of the objective.
- ➞overlapping_tiles - Whether tiles were collected with overlap.
- ➞pixel_size - Pixel size in nanometers.
- ➞probe
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞tile_size_x - X size of the tile in micrometers.
- ➞tile_size_y - Y size of the tile in micrometers.
- ➞z_stack_step_size - Z-stack step size in nanometers.
- ➞input_id - UUID of the input entity.
- ➞input_type - The concrete type of the input entity.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞insdc_experiment_accession - An International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) experiment accession.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The full name of the instrument used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ipsc_induction_kit - Kit used to induce pluripotent stem cell generation.
- ➞method - Induction method applied to primary cell culture to induce pluripotent stem cell generation.
- ➞percent_pluripotency - Percent of iPSCs that passed the pluripotency test.
- ➞pluripotency_test - Description of how pluripotency was tested in induced pluripotent stem cells.
- ➞pluripotency_vector_removed - Whether a viral vector was removed after induction.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞reagents
- ➞reprogramming_factors - Reprogramming factors added to primary cell culture to induce pluripotency.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a length unit being used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a library amplification approach being used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a library construction approach being used.
- ➞cdna_library_amplification_method - The method used to amplify cDNA library prior to sequencing.
- ➞cell_barcode - Information about cell identifier barcodes.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞end_bias - The type of tag or end bias the library has.
- ➞input_nucleic_acid_molecule - Starting nucleic acid molecule isolated for sequencing.
- ➞library_construction_kit - Name of kit used to construct the sequencing library.
- ➞library_construction_method - The general method for sequencing library construction.
- ➞library_preamplification_method - The method used to amplify RNA prior to adaptor ligation.
- ➞nominal_length - Average (insert) size of the fragments being sequenced.
- ➞nominal_sdev - Standard deviation of the (insert) size of the fragments being sequenced.
- ➞nucleic_acid_conversion_kit - Name of kit used to convert RNA to DNA for sequencing.
- ➞nucleic_acid_source - Source cells or organelles from which nucleic acid molecules were collected.
- ➞primer - Primer used for cDNA synthesis from RNA.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞spatial_barcode - Information about spatial barcodes.
- ➞spike_in_dilution - Dilution of spike-in.
- ➞spike_in_kit - Information about a spike-in kit.
- ➞strand - Library strandedness.
- ➞umi_barcode - Information about unique molecular identifier (UMI) barcodes.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞full_name - Full name of the license under which this dataset is made available.
- ➞identifier - Identifier of the license under which this dataset is made available.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞url - URL of the license under which this data is available.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞links
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a mass unit being used.
- ➞data_normalization_methods
- ➞derivation_process
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞alcohol_history - Estimated amount of alcohol consumed per day.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞medication - Medications the individual was taking at time of biomaterial collection.
- ➞nutritional_state - Nutritional state of individual at time of biomaterial collection.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞smoking_history - Estimated number of cigarettes smoked per day.
- ➞test_results - Results from medical tests performed on the individual.
- ➞treatment - Treatments the individual has undergone prior to biomaterial collection.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - Version number in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of the type of microscopy used in an imaging experiment.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞strain
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The text for the term as the user provides it.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The text for the term as the user provides it.
- ➞age - Age of the organoid in Organoid age unit measured from when cell aggregates started differentiating to desired organoid model.
- ➞age_unit - The unit in which Organoid age is expressed.
- ➞biomaterial_core - Core biomaterial-level information.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞embedded_in_matrigel - Whether the organoid is embedded in a matrigel.
- ➞genus_species
- ➞growth_environment - Growth environment in which the organoid is grown.
- ➞input_aggregate_cell_count - Estimated number of cells per input cell aggregate.
- ➞model_organ - Organ for which this organoid is a model system.
- ➞model_organ_part - Organ part for which this organoid is a model system.
- ➞morphology - General description of the organoid morphology.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞size - Size of the organoid in Organoid size unit.
- ➞size_unit - The unit in which the Organoid size is expressed.
- ➞stored_oxygen_levels - Percent oxygen level organoid was stored in prior to sequencing.
- ➞output_id - UUID of the output entity.
- ➞output_type - The concrete type of the output entity.
- ➞checksum - MD5 checksum of the file.
- ➞parameter_name - Name of parameter.
- ➞parameter_value - Path to file for or value of parameter.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞plate_label - A label or name for the plate on which the well is located.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞well_label - A label or name for the well in which the cell is located.
- ➞well_quality - Quality of well if imaged before sequencing.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞preservation_method - The method by which a biomaterial was preserved through the use of chemicals, cold, or other means to prevent or retard biological or physical deterioration.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞storage_method - The method by which a biomaterial was stored after preservation or before another protocol was used.
- ➞storage_time - Length of time the biomaterial was stored for in Storage time units.
- ➞storage_time_unit - The unit in which Storage time is expressed.
- ➞assay_type - Type of assay used to detect target.
- ➞channel_label
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞fluorophore
- ➞probe_label - The label of a probe used to detect target in this experiment.
- ➞probe_reagents - Name of reagents used to construct the probe.
- ➞probe_sequence - Sequence of a probe used to detect target.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞subcellular_structure - Target subcellular structure.
- ➞target_codebook_label - A label used in the codebook for the target.
- ➞target_label - An identifier for the target molecule.
- ➞target_name - The name of the target molecule.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞location - Location where the process took place.
- ➞operators
- ➞process_description - A general description of the process.
- ➞process_id - A unique ID for the process.
- ➞process_name - A short, descriptive name for the process that need not be unique.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞inputs
- ➞link_type - The type of this link.
- ➞outputs
- ➞process_id - UUID of the process described by this link.
- ➞process_type - The concrete type of the process described by this link.
- ➞protocols
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a process type being used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞deviation_from_protocol - A deviation from the protocol provided.
- ➞end_time - Date and time the process ended.
- ➞insdc_experiment - An International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) experiment accession.
- ➞length_of_time - Length of time the process took to execute in Length of time unit.
- ➞length_of_time_unit - The unit in which Length of time is expressed.
- ➞process_core - Core process-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞start_time - Date and time the process started.
- ➞type - The type of process.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞project_description - A longer description of the project which includes research goals and experimental approach.
- ➞project_short_name - A short name for the project.
- ➞project_title - An official title for the project.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞array_express_accessions
- ➞biostudies_accessions
- ➞contributors
- ➞dbgap_accessions
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ega_accessions
- ➞estimated_cell_count - An estimated number of cells in this project
- ➞funders
- ➞geo_series_accessions
- ➞insdc_project_accessions
- ➞insdc_study_accessions
- ➞project_core - Core project-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞publications
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞supplementary_links
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞document - A filename of a PDF document containing the details of the protocol.
- ➞protocol_description - A general description of the protocol.
- ➞protocol_id - A unique ID for the protocol.
- ➞protocol_name - A short name for the protocol.
- ➞protocols_io_doi - The protocols.io digital object identifier (doi) for the protocol.
- ➞publication_doi - The publication digital object identifier (doi) for the protocol.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞protocol_id - UUID of the protocol entity.
- ➞protocol_type - The concrete type of protocol entity.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a protocol type used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞type - The type of protocol.
- ➞accession - A unique accession for this entity, provided by the broker.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞document_id - Identifier for document.
- ➞schema_major_version - The major version number of the schema.
- ➞schema_minor_version - The minor version number of the schema.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞submission_date - When project was first submitted to database.
- ➞submitter_id - ID of individual who first submitted project.
- ➞update_date - When project was last updated.
- ➞updater_id - ID of individual who last updated project.
- ➞authors
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞doi - The publication digital object identifier (doi) of the publication.
- ➞official_hca_publication - Has the publication been accepted as an official HCA publication, according to the process described in https://www.humancellatlas.org/publications/ ?
- ➞pmid - The PubMed ID of the publication.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞title - The title of the publication.
- ➞url - A URL for the publication.
- ➞catalog_number - The catalog number of the kit/reagent.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞expiry_date - The date of expiration for the kit/reagent.
- ➞kit_titer - Appropriate titer and volume recommendations found in kit/reagent Certificate of Analysis.
- ➞lot_number - The batch or lot number of the kit/reagent.
- ➞manufacturer - The manufacturer of the kit/reagent.
- ➞retail_name - The retail name of the kit/reagent.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞assembly_type - The assembly type of the genome reference file.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞file_core - Core file-level information.
- ➞genus_species - The scientific binomial name for the species of this reference.
- ➞ncbi_taxon_id - A taxonomy ID (taxonID) from NCBI.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞reference_type - The type of the reference file.
- ➞reference_version - The genome version of the reference file.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞drop_uniformity - Whether drop uniformity was achieved as a result of visual inspection of emulsion after a 10x run.
- ➞fastq_method - Method used for the generation of fastq files from bcl files.
- ➞fastq_method_version - Version of the program used for fastq generation.
- ➞pooled_channels - The number of channels pooled within a sequencing lane.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞file_core - Core file-level information.
- ➞insdc_run_accessions
- ➞lane_index - The lane that this file was sequenced from.
- ➞library_prep_id - A unique ID for the library preparation.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞read_index - The sequencing read this file represents.
- ➞read_length - The length of a sequenced read in this file, in nucleotides.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a sequencing approach being used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞instrument_manufacturer_model - The manufacturer and model of the sequencer.
- ➞local_machine_name - Local name for the particular machine used for sequencing.
- ➞method - The general method for sequencing.
- ➞paired_end - Whether the sequenced molecule was sequenced from both ends.
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞s10x - Fields specific for 10x experiments.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of the species to which the organism belongs.
- ➞biomaterial_core - Core biomaterial-level information.
- ➞collection_time - When the biomaterial was collected.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞diseases
- ➞genus_species
- ➞organ - The organ that the biomaterial came from.
- ➞organ_parts
- ➞preservation_storage - Information about how a specimen was preserved and/or stored over a period of time.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞purchased_specimen - Information about a purchased specimen.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞state_of_specimen - State of the specimen at the time of collection.
- ➞autolysis_score - State of tissue breakdown due to self-digestion.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞gross_description - Color, size, and other aspects of specimen as visible to naked eye.
- ➞gross_images
- ➞ischemic_temperature - Whether specimen experienced warm or cold ischemia.
- ➞ischemic_time - Duration of time, in seconds, between when the specimen stopped receiving oxygen and when it was preserved or processed.
- ➞microscopic_description - How the specimen looks under the microscope and how it compares with normal cells.
- ➞microscopic_images
- ➞postmortem_interval - Duration of time between when death was declared and when the specimen was preserved or processed.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of the strain to which the organism belongs.
- ➞file_id - ID for this supplementary file entity
- ➞file_type - concrete type of this supplementary file entity
- ➞entity - An entity that refers to this supplementary file
- ➞files
- ➞link_type - The type of this link.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞file_core - Core file-level information.
- ➞file_description - A short description of the file contents.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of the treatment target pathway.
- ➞cpus - Number of CPUs used to run this task.
- ➞disk_size - Name of the disk volume mounted to the VM for the task.
- ➞docker_image - Name of docker image where the task is stored and executed.
- ➞log_err - Path where standard error is logged.
- ➞log_out - Path where standard output is logged.
- ➞memory - Amount of memory allocated for this task.
- ➞start_time - Date and time when the task started.
- ➞stop_time - Date and time when the task finished.
- ➞task_name - Name of the task.
- ➞zone - Name of the Google Cloud zone where the task was run.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a time unit being used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞relevance - Relevance of the Timecourse value/unit to the experiment.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞unit - The unit in which the Timecourse value is expressed.
- ➞value - The numerical value in Timecourse unit associated with a time interval used in the experiment.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞ontology - An ontology term identifier in the form prefix:accession.
- ➞ontology_label - The preferred label for the ontology term referred to in the ontology field. This may differ from the user-supplied value in the text field.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞text - The name of a treatment method or approach being used.
- ➞describedBy - The URL reference to the schema.
- ➞media - Culture media used to induce a specific treatment response.
- ➞method
- ➞protocol_core - Core protocol-level information.
- ➞provenance - Provenance information provided by the system.
- ➞reagents
- ➞schema_type - The type of the metadata schema entity.
- ➞schema_version - The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- ➞target_pathway
- AggregateGenerationProtocol_schema_type_options
- AnalysisFile_schema_type_options
- AnalysisProcess_analysis_run_type_options
- AnalysisProcess_schema_type_options
- AnalysisProtocol_schema_type_options
- Barcode_barcode_read_options
- BiologicalMacromoleculeOntology_ontology_options
- CellCycleOntology_ontology_options
- CellLine_schema_type_options
- CellLine_type_options
- CellMorphology_cell_viability_result_options
- CellSuspension_schema_type_options
- CellTypeOntology_ontology_options
- CellularComponentOntology_ontology_options
- Channel_multiplexed_options
- CollectionProtocol_schema_type_options
- ContributorRoleOntology_ontology_options
- Death_normothermic_regional_perfusion_options
- Death_organ_donation_death_type_options
- DevelopmentStageOntology_ontology_options
- DifferentiationProtocol_schema_type_options
- DiseaseOntology_ontology_options
- DissociationProtocol_schema_type_options
- DonorOrganism_is_living_options
- DonorOrganism_schema_type_options
- DonorOrganism_sex_options
- EnrichmentOntology_ontology_options
- EnrichmentProtocol_schema_type_options
- Entity_entity_type_options
- EthnicityOntology_ontology_options
- FileContentOntology_ontology_options
- FileCore_file_source_options
- FileDescriptor_schema_type_options
- FileFormatOntology_ontology_options
- GrowthConditions_feeder_layer_type_options
- GrowthConditions_mycoplasma_testing_method_options
- GrowthConditions_mycoplasma_testing_results_options
- ImageFile_schema_type_options
- ImagedSpecimen_schema_type_options
- ImagingPreparationProtocol_schema_type_options
- ImagingProtocol_overlapping_tiles_options
- ImagingProtocol_schema_type_options
- InstrumentOntology_ontology_options
- IpscInductionProtocol_method_options
- IpscInductionProtocol_pluripotency_vector_removed_options
- IpscInductionProtocol_schema_type_options
- LengthUnitOntology_ontology_options
- LibraryAmplificationOntology_ontology_options
- LibraryConstructionOntology_ontology_options
- LibraryPreparationProtocol_end_bias_options
- LibraryPreparationProtocol_nucleic_acid_source_options
- LibraryPreparationProtocol_primer_options
- LibraryPreparationProtocol_schema_type_options
- LibraryPreparationProtocol_strand_options
- Links_schema_type_options
- MassUnitOntology_ontology_options
- MedicalHistory_nutritional_state_options
- MicroscopyOntology_ontology_options
- OrganOntology_ontology_options
- OrganPartOntology_ontology_options
- Organoid_schema_type_options
- PlateBasedSequencing_well_quality_options
- PreservationStorage_preservation_method_options
- PreservationStorage_storage_method_options
- ProcessLink_link_type_options
- ProcessTypeOntology_ontology_options
- Process_schema_type_options
- Project_schema_type_options
- ProtocolReference_protocol_type_options
- ProtocolTypeOntology_ontology_options
- Protocol_schema_type_options
- ReferenceFile_assembly_type_options
- ReferenceFile_reference_type_options
- ReferenceFile_schema_type_options
- SequenceFile_read_index_options
- SequenceFile_schema_type_options
- SequencingOntology_ontology_options
- SequencingProtocol_schema_type_options
- SpeciesOntology_ontology_options
- SpecimenFromOrganism_schema_type_options
- StateOfSpecimen_autolysis_score_options
- StateOfSpecimen_ischemic_temperature_options
- StrainOntology_ontology_options
- SupplementaryFileEntity_file_type_options
- SupplementaryFileLink_link_type_options
- SupplementaryFile_schema_type_options
- TargetPathwayOntology_ontology_options
- TimeUnitOntology_ontology_options
- TreatmentMethodOntology_ontology_options
- TreatmentProtocol_schema_type_options
- data_normalization_methods_options
- derivation_process_options
Built in
- Bool
- Decimal
- ElementIdentifier
- NCName
- NodeIdentifier
- XSDDate
- XSDDateTime
- XSDTime
- float
- int
- str
- Boolean (Bool) - A binary (true or false) value
- Date (XSDDate) - a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
- DateOrDatetime (str) - Either a date or a datetime
- Datetime (XSDDateTime) - The combination of a date and time
- Decimal (Decimal) - A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal specification
- Double (float) - A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
- Float (float) - A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
- Integer (int) - An integer
- Ncname (NCName) - Prefix part of CURIE
- Nodeidentifier (NodeIdentifier) - A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model.
- Objectidentifier (ElementIdentifier) - A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model.
- String (str) - A character string
- Time (XSDTime) - A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular day
- Uri (URI) - a complete URI
- Uriorcurie (URIorCURIE) - a URI or a CURIE