Class: CellSuspension
URI: hca:CellSuspension
- ➞describedBy 1..1
- Description: The URL reference to the schema.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_version 0..1
- Description: The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_type 1..1
- Description: The type of the metadata schema entity.
- Range: CellSuspension_schema_type_options
- ➞provenance 0..1
- Description: Provenance information provided by the system.
- Range: Provenance
- ➞biomaterial_core 1..1
- Description: Core biomaterial-level information.
- Range: BiomaterialCore
- ➞cell_morphology 0..1
- Description: Features relating to the morphology of cells in a biomaterial.
- Range: CellMorphology
- ➞growth_conditions 0..1
- Description: Features relating to the growth and/or maintenance of a biomaterial.
- Range: GrowthConditions
- ➞genus_species 0..*
- Range: SpeciesOntology
- ➞selected_cell_types 0..*
- Range: CellTypeOntology
- ➞estimated_cell_count 0..1
- Description: Estimated number of cells in the suspension.
- Range: Integer
- ➞plate_based_sequencing 0..1
- Description: Fields specific for plate-based sequencing experiments.
- Range: PlateBasedSequencing
- ➞timecourse 0..1
- Description: Information relating to a timecourse associated with this cell suspension.
- Range: Timecourse