Class: FileCore
URI: hca:FileCore
Referenced by Class
- None ➞file_core 1..1 FileCore
- None ➞file_core 1..1 FileCore
- None ➞file_core 1..1 FileCore
- None ➞file_core 1..1 FileCore
- None ➞file_core 1..1 FileCore
- ➞describedBy 0..1
- Description: The URL reference to the schema.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_version 0..1
- Description: The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- Range: String
- ➞file_name 1..1
- Description: The name of the file.
- Range: String
- ➞format 1..1
- Description: The format of the file.
- Range: String
- ➞content_description 0..*
- Range: FileContentOntology
- ➞checksum 0..1
- Description: MD5 checksum of the file.
- Range: String
- ➞file_source 0..1
- Description: The source of the file. This is typically an organisation, repository, person or dedicated process.
- Range: FileCore_file_source_options