Class: LibraryPreparationProtocol
URI: hca:LibraryPreparationProtocol
- ➞describedBy 1..1
- Description: The URL reference to the schema.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_version 0..1
- Description: The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_type 1..1
- Description: The type of the metadata schema entity.
- Range: LibraryPreparationProtocol_schema_type_options
- ➞provenance 0..1
- Description: Provenance information provided by the system.
- Range: Provenance
- ➞protocol_core 1..1
- Description: Core protocol-level information.
- Range: ProtocolCore
- ➞cell_barcode 0..1
- Description: Information about cell identifier barcodes.
- Range: Barcode
- ➞spatial_barcode 0..1
- Description: Information about spatial barcodes.
- Range: Barcode
- ➞input_nucleic_acid_molecule 1..1
- Description: Starting nucleic acid molecule isolated for sequencing.
- Range: BiologicalMacromoleculeOntology
- ➞nucleic_acid_source 1..1
- Description: Source cells or organelles from which nucleic acid molecules were collected.
- Range: LibraryPreparationProtocol_nucleic_acid_source_options
- ➞library_construction_method 1..1
- Description: The general method for sequencing library construction.
- Range: LibraryConstructionOntology
- ➞library_construction_kit 0..1
- Description: Name of kit used to construct the sequencing library.
- Range: PurchasedReagents
- ➞nucleic_acid_conversion_kit 0..1
- Description: Name of kit used to convert RNA to DNA for sequencing.
- Range: PurchasedReagents
- ➞end_bias 1..1
- Description: The type of tag or end bias the library has.
- Range: LibraryPreparationProtocol_end_bias_options
- ➞primer 0..1
- Description: Primer used for cDNA synthesis from RNA.
- Range: LibraryPreparationProtocol_primer_options
- ➞strand 1..1
- Description: Library strandedness.
- Range: LibraryPreparationProtocol_strand_options
- ➞spike_in_kit 0..1
- Description: Information about a spike-in kit.
- Range: PurchasedReagents
- ➞spike_in_dilution 0..1
- Description: Dilution of spike-in.
- Range: Integer
- ➞umi_barcode 0..1
- Description: Information about unique molecular identifier (UMI) barcodes.
- Range: Barcode
- ➞library_preamplification_method 0..1
- Description: The method used to amplify RNA prior to adaptor ligation.
- Range: LibraryAmplificationOntology
- ➞cdna_library_amplification_method 0..1
- Description: The method used to amplify cDNA library prior to sequencing.
- Range: LibraryAmplificationOntology
- ➞nominal_length 0..1
- Description: Average (insert) size of the fragments being sequenced.
- Range: Integer
- ➞nominal_sdev 0..1
- Description: Standard deviation of the (insert) size of the fragments being sequenced.
- Range: Integer