Class: Organoid
URI: hca:Organoid
- ➞describedBy 1..1
- Description: The URL reference to the schema.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_version 0..1
- Description: The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_type 1..1
- Description: The type of the metadata schema entity.
- Range: Organoid_schema_type_options
- ➞provenance 0..1
- Description: Provenance information provided by the system.
- Range: Provenance
- ➞biomaterial_core 1..1
- Description: Core biomaterial-level information.
- Range: BiomaterialCore
- ➞genus_species 0..*
- Range: SpeciesOntology
- ➞model_organ 1..1
- Description: Organ for which this organoid is a model system.
- Range: OrganOntology
- ➞model_organ_part 0..1
- Description: Organ part for which this organoid is a model system.
- Range: OrganPartOntology
- ➞age 0..1
- Description: Age of the organoid in Organoid age unit measured from when cell aggregates started differentiating to desired organoid model.
- Range: Float
- ➞age_unit 0..1
- Description: The unit in which Organoid age is expressed.
- Range: TimeUnitOntology
- ➞size 0..1
- Description: Size of the organoid in Organoid size unit.
- Range: Float
- ➞size_unit 0..1
- Description: The unit in which the Organoid size is expressed.
- Range: LengthUnitOntology
- ➞morphology 0..1
- Description: General description of the organoid morphology.
- Range: String
- ➞embedded_in_matrigel 0..1
- Description: Whether the organoid is embedded in a matrigel.
- Range: Boolean
- ➞growth_environment 0..1
- Description: Growth environment in which the organoid is grown.
- Range: String
- ➞input_aggregate_cell_count 0..1
- Description: Estimated number of cells per input cell aggregate.
- Range: Float
- ➞stored_oxygen_levels 0..1
- Description: Percent oxygen level organoid was stored in prior to sequencing.
- Range: Float