Class: PurchasedReagents
URI: hca:PurchasedReagents

Referenced by Class
- ➞describedBy 0..1
- Description: The URL reference to the schema.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_version 0..1
- Description: The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- Range: String
- ➞retail_name 0..1
- Description: The retail name of the kit/reagent.
- Range: String
- ➞catalog_number 0..1
- Description: The catalog number of the kit/reagent.
- Range: String
- ➞manufacturer 0..1
- Description: The manufacturer of the kit/reagent.
- Range: String
- ➞lot_number 0..1
- Description: The batch or lot number of the kit/reagent.
- Range: String
- ➞expiry_date 0..1
- Description: The date of expiration for the kit/reagent.
- Range: String
- ➞kit_titer 0..1
- Description: Appropriate titer and volume recommendations found in kit/reagent Certificate of Analysis.
- Range: String