Class: SequenceFile
URI: hca:SequenceFile
- ➞describedBy 1..1
- Description: The URL reference to the schema.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_version 0..1
- Description: The version number of the schema in major.minor.patch format.
- Range: String
- ➞schema_type 1..1
- Description: The type of the metadata schema entity.
- Range: SequenceFile_schema_type_options
- ➞provenance 0..1
- Description: Provenance information provided by the system.
- Range: Provenance
- ➞file_core 1..1
- Description: Core file-level information.
- Range: FileCore
- ➞read_index 1..1
- Description: The sequencing read this file represents.
- Range: SequenceFile_read_index_options
- ➞lane_index 0..1
- Description: The lane that this file was sequenced from.
- Range: Integer
- ➞read_length 0..1
- Description: The length of a sequenced read in this file, in nucleotides.
- Range: Integer
- ➞insdc_run_accessions 0..*
- Range: String
- ➞library_prep_id 0..1
- Description: A unique ID for the library preparation.
- Range: String