Class: MIGS eukaryote
Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote
Checklist for
- AirMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package air
- BuiltEnvironmentMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package built environment
- Host-associatedMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package host-associated
- Human-associatedMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-associated
- Human-gutMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-gut
- Human-oralMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-oral
- Human-skinMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-skin
- Human-vaginalMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package human-vaginal
- HydrocarbonResources-coresMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-cores
- HydrocarbonResources-fluidsSwabsMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs
- MicrobialMatBiofilmMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package microbial mat_biofilm
- MiscellaneousNaturalOrArtificialEnvironmentMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package miscellaneous natural or artificial environment
- Plant-associatedMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package plant-associated
- SedimentMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package sediment
- SoilMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package soil
- WastewaterSludgeMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package wastewater_sludge
- WaterMIGSEukaryote (mixin) - Combinatorial checklist Minimal Information about a Genome Sequence: eukaryote with environmental package water
Referenced by Package
- MIGS eukaryote➞submitted_to_insdc 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞investigation_type 1..1
- Range: investigation_type_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞samp_name 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞samp_taxon_id 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞project_name 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞experimental_factor 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞lat_lon 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞geo_loc_name 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞collection_date 1..1
- Range: Date
- MIGS eukaryote➞env_broad_scale 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞env_local_scale 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞env_medium 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞env_package 0..1
- Range: env_package_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞subspecf_gen_lin 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞ploidy 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞num_replicons 0..1
- Range: Integer
- MIGS eukaryote➞extrachrom_elements 0..1
- Range: Integer
- MIGS eukaryote➞estimated_size 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞ref_biomaterial 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞source_mat_id 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞pathogenicity 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞biotic_relationship 0..1
- Range: biotic_relationship_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞specific_host 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞host_spec_range 0..1
- Range: Integer
- MIGS eukaryote➞health_disease_stat 0..1
- Range: health_disease_stat_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞host_disease_stat 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞trophic_level 0..1
- Range: trophic_level_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞propagation 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞isol_growth_condt 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞samp_collec_device 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞samp_collec_method 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞samp_mat_process 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞samp_size 0..1
- Range: QuantityValue
- MIGS eukaryote➞samp_vol_we_dna_ext 0..1
- Range: QuantityValue
- MIGS eukaryote➞nucl_acid_ext 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞nucl_acid_amp 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞lib_size 0..1
- Range: Integer
- MIGS eukaryote➞lib_reads_seqd 0..1
- Range: Integer
- MIGS eukaryote➞lib_layout 0..1
- Range: lib_layout_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞lib_vector 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞lib_screen 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞adapters 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞seq_meth 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞tax_ident 0..1
- Range: tax_ident_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞assembly_qual 1..1
- Range: assembly_qual_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞assembly_name 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞assembly_software 1..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞annot 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞number_contig 1..1
- Range: Integer
- MIGS eukaryote➞feat_pred 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞ref_db 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞sim_search_meth 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞tax_class 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞compl_score 0..1
- Range: compl_score_enum
- MIGS eukaryote➞compl_software 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞associated resource 0..1
- Range: String
- MIGS eukaryote➞sop 0..1
- Range: String
Other properties
Aliases: | |