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Schema for ontology metadata



Class Description
Any None
AnnotationPropertyMixin Groups all annotation property bundles
HasMinimalMetadata Absolute minimum metadata model
HasSynonyms a mixin for a class whose members can have synonyms
HasMappings None
HasProvenance None
HasLifeCycle None
HasCategory None
HasUserInformation None
Thing None
NamedObject Anything with an IRI
Ontology An OWL ontology
Term A NamedThing that includes classes, properties, but not ontologies
Class None
Property None
AnnotationProperty None
ObjectProperty None
TransitiveProperty None
NamedIndividual None
Axiom None
Subset A collection of terms grouped for some purpose
Anonymous Abstract root class for all anonymous (non-named; lacking an identifier) expressions
AnonymousClassExpression None
Restriction None
Expression None
ClassExpression None
PropertyExpression None
ObsoleteAspect Auto-classifies anything that is obsolete
NotObsoleteAspect Auto-classifies anything that is not obsolete


Slot Description
core_property abstract grouping of core properties
id this maps to the URI in RDF
label None
definition None
title None
match_aspect None
match None
broadMatch None
closeMatch None
exactMatch None
narrowMatch None
database_cross_reference None
informative_property None
comment None
category None
image None
example_of_usage None
changeNote None
has_curation_status None
defaultLanguage None
has_ontology_root_term None
conformsTo None
license None
depicted_by None
page None
version_property None
versionIRI None
versionInfo None
obsoletion_related_property Grouping class for all properties related to lifecycle
deprecated None
term_replaced_by None
has_obsolescence_reason None
consider None
has_alternative_id None
temporal_interpretation None
never_in_taxon None
is_a_defining_property_chain_axiom None
is_a_defining_property_chain_axiom_where_second_argument_is_reflexive None
provenance_property None
contributor None
creator None
created when the term came into being
date when the term was updated
source None
created_by None
creation_date None
date_retrieved None
editor_note None
term_editor None
definition_source None
curator_note None
term_tracker_item None
ontology_term_requester None
imported_from None
has_axiom_label None
shortcut_annotation_property None
disconnected_from None
excluded_axiom None
excluded_from_QC_check None
excluded_subClassOf None
excluded_synonym None
should_conform_to None
has_rank None
alternative_term None
ISA_alternative_term None
IEDB_alternative_term None
OBO_foundry_unique_label None
synonym None
editor_preferred_term None
has_exact_synonym None
has_narrow_synonym None
has_related_synonym None
has_broad_synonym None
has_synonym_type None
has_obo_namespace None
in_subset Maps an ontology element to a subset it belongs to
reification_predicate None
annotatedProperty None
annotatedSource None
annotatedTarget None
imports None
logical_predicate None
cardinality None
complementOf None
disjointWith None
distinctMembers None
equivalentClass None
sameAs None
equivalentProperty None
hasValue None
intersectionOf None
inverseOf None
maxQualifiedCardinality None
members None
minCardinality None
minQualifiedCardinality None
onClass None
onProperty None
oneOf None
propertyChainAxiom None
qualifiedCardinality None
allValuesFrom None
someValuesFrom None
unionOf None
domain None
range None
isDefinedBy None
seeAlso None
type None
subClassOf None
oboInOwl_id None
oboInOwl_ontology None
is_class_level None
is_cyclic None
is_inferred None
is_metadata_tag None
is_transitive None
notes None
shorthand None
url None
evidence None
external_ontology None
NCIT_definition_source None
NCIT_term_type None
NCIT_term_source None


Enums Description