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Class: Thing

  • NOTE: this is an abstract class and should not be instantiated directly

URI: owl:Thing



Name Range Cardinality Description Info
type uriorcurie 0..* None .


used by used in type used
HasMappings broadMatch range Thing
HasMappings closeMatch range Thing
HasMappings exactMatch range Thing
HasMappings narrowMatch range Thing
HasProvenance contributor range Thing
HasLifeCycle excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
HasLifeCycle should_conform_to range Thing
HasCategory conformsTo range Thing
HasUserInformation seeAlso range Thing
HasUserInformation image range Thing
Ontology license range Thing
Term excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
Term should_conform_to range Thing
Term contributor range Thing
Term broadMatch range Thing
Term closeMatch range Thing
Term exactMatch range Thing
Term narrowMatch range Thing
Term conformsTo range Thing
Term seeAlso range Thing
Term image range Thing
Class has_rank range Thing
Class excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
Class should_conform_to range Thing
Class contributor range Thing
Class conformsTo range Thing
Class seeAlso range Thing
Class image range Thing
Property excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
Property should_conform_to range Thing
Property contributor range Thing
Property conformsTo range Thing
Property seeAlso range Thing
Property image range Thing
AnnotationProperty excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
AnnotationProperty should_conform_to range Thing
AnnotationProperty contributor range Thing
AnnotationProperty conformsTo range Thing
AnnotationProperty seeAlso range Thing
AnnotationProperty image range Thing
ObjectProperty equivalentProperty range Thing
ObjectProperty excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
ObjectProperty should_conform_to range Thing
ObjectProperty contributor range Thing
ObjectProperty conformsTo range Thing
ObjectProperty seeAlso range Thing
ObjectProperty image range Thing
TransitiveProperty equivalentProperty range Thing
TransitiveProperty excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
TransitiveProperty should_conform_to range Thing
TransitiveProperty contributor range Thing
TransitiveProperty conformsTo range Thing
TransitiveProperty seeAlso range Thing
TransitiveProperty image range Thing
NamedIndividual excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
NamedIndividual should_conform_to range Thing
NamedIndividual contributor range Thing
NamedIndividual broadMatch range Thing
NamedIndividual closeMatch range Thing
NamedIndividual exactMatch range Thing
NamedIndividual narrowMatch range Thing
NamedIndividual conformsTo range Thing
NamedIndividual seeAlso range Thing
NamedIndividual image range Thing
Axiom annotatedSource range Thing
Axiom has_axiom_label range Thing
Axiom seeAlso range Thing
Subset excluded_from_QC_check range Thing
Subset should_conform_to range Thing
Subset contributor range Thing
Subset conformsTo range Thing
Subset seeAlso range Thing
Subset image range Thing

Identifier and Mapping Information

LinkML Specification


name: Thing
abstract: true
- type
class_uri: owl:Thing


name: Thing
abstract: true
    name: type
    is_a: logical_predicate
    slot_uri: rdf:type
    multivalued: true
    designates_type: true
    alias: type
    owner: Thing
    range: uriorcurie
class_uri: owl:Thing