Slot: oxy_stat_samp

Oxygenation status of sample

URI: mixs.vocab:oxy_stat_samp

Domain and Range

None → 0..1 oxy_stat_samp_enum



Used by

Other properties

Aliases: oxygenation status of sample
Mappings: MIXS:0000753
Comments: Expected value: enumeration
Occurrence: 1
Position: 1.0
This field is used in: 15 packages: air, host-associated, human-associated, human-gut, human-oral, human-skin, human-vaginal, hydrocarbon resources-cores, hydrocarbon resources-fluids_swabs, microbial mat_biofilm, miscellaneous natural or artificial environment, plant-associated, sediment, wastewater_sludge, water
Examples: Example(value='aerobic', description=None)